
Partnership agreement

The above Agreement has the force of a public promise and its effect comes into force after the registration of the visitor on the resource, then the Service.

This Agreement receives the status of a valid subject to a voluntary and informed agreement between the owners of the site, hereinafter Exclusive-Profit, and the visitor to the site, entered into at the time of the Agreement the age of majority (full 18 l.), hereinafter the User. The following Agreement is subject to the sole and entire term of use of the Service.

Denial of responsibility

All articles, notes and other content published on the Service, is informative and informative in nature, it should not be considered as a call to action. Exclusive-Profit is not responsible for the materials published in the projects referred to on the Service.

Exclusive-Profit in no case shall be liable for any consequences that may occur or have already occurred as a result of the User's use of information from the project sites presented on the Service. Including for possible loss of financial benefit, any losses incurred after the user familiarized with the data posted on the Service.

Terms of use of the Service and obligations of the User

By accepting the Agreement, the user confirms his / her age of majority (full 18 years).

The user undertakes not to distribute the software or technical part of the Service.

The user undertakes not to cause intentional or indirect damage to the Service in any way: using viruses, dangerous programs, hardware and equipment, including taking actions that bear the signs of spam (intentionally or unintentionally), DDOS-attacks.

The user acknowledges his / her obligation to compensate for losses and agrees to release from liability of the Service administration in relation to any damage, costs or expenses incurred by the Service as a result of the User's actions or lack thereof. Also Exclusive-Profit is not responsible for actions that mislead or distort the facts, or occur due to violation of the Agreement.


The service is designed to publish information about financial (investment) projects, news, links to internal resources of the Service or global network sites related to the Service.

The content is provided for informational purposes only. The user is provided with information about financial projects, the publication of news exchanges and the investment market, the results of the review, background information. All links, including those placed in banners and ads, are not calls to action as such, direct or hidden advertising of other persons, are used only as reference materials.

Exclusive-Profit does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of any data, and is not responsible for the content that the User receives by clicking on the link.

The user understands and agrees that the consequences of clicking on the links from the Service are under his / her full responsibility and do not consist in direct or indirect dependence on the content and tools of the Service.  Exclusive-Profit is not responsible for any and all risks to which personal and financial data of the User may be exposed.

Possible risk

The user agrees that all investment operations on any resources that are already placed in the network or may appear and are associated with the transfer of funds to third parties, bear the risk of financial losses. We are talking about all cases without exception.

Exclusive-Profit uses all available means and takes measures to maintain the accuracy of the content published on the Service. Due to the fact that any information may lose relevance due to temporary, economic, market events or any other reasons, Exclusive-Profit can not guarantee the accuracy of the data and recalls that all content is published for informational and reference purposes.  Exclusive-Profit shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of the content published on the Service.

The user agrees that he / she will not use the information posted on the Service to conduct any financial transactions as a guarantee of positive results of his / her investments, transactions and other actions.

Exclusive-Profit Duties

Exclusive-Profit provides a registered User with access to a personal profile (Personal account).

Exclusive-Profit undertakes to ensure the security (within the service resources) of the User's personal data required for registration on this Service.

Exclusive-Profit assumes responsibility for the specified data as for confidential information and non-disclosure of it to third parties.

If you disagree with any paragraph of the Agreement, do not register on the Service. The process of creating a personal profile is possible only if you confirm that you are familiar with the terms of the Agreement and fully accept them.

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