
Types of HYIPS

So, you already know what HYIP is and how it works!

But it would be unreasonable to consider that this is all the information that you need to work with such investment projects! Believe me, you need to study a lot of material in order to learn how to competently work with HYIP. Only then can you achieve something in this industry.

And our next topic with you– types of HYIP projects.

Yes, yes, they also have species!

Remember the biology textbook, remember? Species, subspecies, classes of animals and so on. All this is roughly applicable to the HYIP industry. Here, too, has its own hierarchy, and now we will understand it.

To begin, we will discuss the types of projects by profitability.
Everything is simple here, there are only three types:
Low income – those that bring a net profit of up to 15% per month. This is usually the most reliable investment method! Such giants can work for years and thus bring significant profit to the participants. This at first glance, 15% is small, and in the temporary amount these 15% can turn into 300% and 450%;

Profitable – funds with a monthly profit of 16% to 60%. Also an interesting option in terms of quick profit. True, the lower bar of income is practically bordered by low-profit HYIP, and you will not especially feel a difference of 1%. But such is the classification. If we depart a little from the established theory, then we would say that the bulk of the middle men give 30% - 50% of net profit in 30 days. Such projects here are more interesting in terms of profit in a relatively short time. But, the risks here are higher. If you decide to play on the middle men, then remember, large amounts are not the best option here. Up to $ 500 - that's it!

Highly profitable – those who give from 61% of the profit per calendar month. Perhaps the most tempting and most risky option for a novice investor. The thirst for easy, and most importantly, large profits blinds your eyes, and you can make a very rash decision, which you will regret later. Do not think, we do not doubt you, we just went through it ourselves and want you not to repeat our mistakes. It is best to play such projects when you have already gained experience and in small amounts.
There are often disputes on the Internet on how to classify a project. The stumbling block here lies in the calculation of income. Sometimes a project pays 5% per day for 30 days and is on the forum in the “high-yield” section, although the net profit is only 50% and this figure lies within the average profitable project. The thing is that some take into account the total payments per month (here it will be 150%), and some only net profit. This is us so that you are not surprised when you encounter something like this on your way.

The second type of HYIP classification is by time period.
Here, the separation of projects is based on how much time your contribution works:
• long term – projects with a deposit term of more than three months. As a rule, they are always low-income! Well, here it is clear why, if he had a high percentage of profit, he would not have to work for a long time.
• medium term – in them the deposit works from 1 to 3 months. In 99.9% of cases, such projects generate income of 50% - 60% per month. A good option, but with careful selection and a clear understanding of the project development process.
• fast – projects with an extremely short life of the contribution. And they themselves do not live long. Basically they offer the payment of interest and deposit body according to the minimum plan in a day or two. For such projects, our advice is to play only at the very start and only in amounts up to $ 50. It is extremely rare that they live more than a week.
• hourly – projects in which profits are accrued every 60 minutes. In the vast majority of cases, they are also fasts, because the term of the deposit is from 24 to 100 hours. But, there are longer distances ... the truth is very, very rare. The method of working with the hour is the same as with fast. The difference is that it is advisable to withdraw profit as often as possible. Ideally, do it every hour.

And finally, let's tell you what deposit options can be in HYIPs.
So, look, each HYIP project has its own marketing, which regulates not only the size of the profit and the term of the deposit, but also the procedure for accruals, payments, and so on. HYIPs usually pay this way:
Profit daily - deposit body at the end of the term. A good option, in cases where the term of the deposit is up to 20 - 30 days. Well, or the profit that the project pays allows you to repay the deposit in 20 - 30 days. Otherwise, there are serious risks of leaving without a deposit;
Profit daily and the body of your contribution is already included in it. An excellent and, perhaps, the safest option when playing in the medium-profit HYIP project. Only you also need to consider how much time your contribution will be beaten off. If it is stretched for many months, then there is very little sense;
Payment of interest and profit at the end of the term. The scheme is most often found in fast projects. Here we do not recommend investing more than 24-48 hours.
Hourly accruals. Well, it’s clear, right? Every 60 minutes the profit is dripping, just have time to withdraw!
Interest is calculated daily / hourly and the deposit body is available for withdrawal at any time. Such projects are popularly called "investment piggy banks." An interesting and profitable option. You just need to look at what commission for withdrawing a deposit in order to understand the minimum term of a deposit to breakeven.
Indefinite. In these projects, your contribution will work until the end of HYIP’s “life”. On the one hand - it's cool! Once invested, and profits are dripping and dripping ... only here is how much this will continue. Maintaining such a project for the administrator is hard work, few people do just fine. If you take 40% - 50% of profit from such a project - this is a pretty serious indicator!

Well, that's all. For you to understand, the HYIP options can be completely different. Admins constantly come up with something new and there are projects that combine several types of tariffs, several terms, and so on. We have given you only the main and most common varieties of HYIPs!

You can ask all other questions to us via mail and our social networks or in person on the weekly stream, which takes place on Sundays on our YouTube channel.

Good luck, investor! See you soon!

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